Break It Down & Visualize Your Highest Self for Weight Loss Motivation (part 2)

visualize your highest self

So you have read Part 1 of this series, and you know how to break down your goals into more manageable chunks. In this blog article, we will focus on the future, your big goal, and how to visualize your highest self.

This is the part where we dive deep into why you want to get healthy in general and lose weight, to be specific. Let’s start by going from the smallest part to your most significant intention.

What Is Your Immediate Need?

Each person chooses to pursue fitness for different reasons. Be honest with yourself. What is the real reason for you losing weight? Is it for your health? Is it because of your family medical history? Or is it for vanity, you want to get that great body for the summer? TBH none of these are invalid. Your reason addresses your immediate need.

Fitness is not just exercise and diet. It is your entire way of living. Know what you need the most at this moment. Maybe this is not the time to pursue fitness wholeheartedly? Do you have access to safe housing? Do you eat regularly every day? Do you have more advanced problems that need to be addressed? I personally pursue my lifestyle using the LIFE Standard, and I think you should do the same.

Related post: The LIFE Standard to a Healthy Life

Instead of starting with coming up with new resolutions that might fail you again, for the New Year, try figuring out what you want to happen this year.

You are a unique person. Nobody can tell you what you are missing. Only you can answer that question. From your list here, you can make new resolutions that are more realistic and doable. I recommend using the SMART Pillar Approach to make your progress realistic and successful.

Related post: The SMART Pillar Approach to Building an Exercise Routine

To visualize your highest self is to understand what you need. What you need is different from what others may say.

Take this example. Why do you need to lose weight? Is it because your body fat is higher than the accepted levels? Or is it because of the simple BMI scale? Why are the reasons different?

  1. Body fat is a much needed component of our bodies, but having too much of it can lead to chronic diseases, injuries, and lower our quality of life [1].
  2. BMI is just a simple ratio between your height and weight[2]. It assumes that your bone density and muscle mass is roughly equal to everyone else, which is usually not the case. 

What you see above is an example of setting your reasons clear to visualize your highest self. It is not about blindly following what people tell you to do. It is about building confidence in your decisions so you can stick to them.

Visualize Your Highest Self and Start Showing Up as Her

Once you make your concerns known, it is time to look into the crystal ball and see yourself in the future. Where do you want to be? What are you doing at that point? How is life treating you?

What you do today will directly create the results you see in the future. Like I said from the beginning, check out Part 1 of this series if you want to learn how to break down your problems.

For fitness specifically, you can figure out which type of exerciser you are. Your preference for getting started is crucial to building a sustainable system.

One way to visualize your highest self is to figure out which type of exercise works best for you. No worries, you are at the right place to do this. Take a quick quiz and figure it out yourself!

What can you do today to finesse your life further? Is there anything else needed to elevate? Be confident in your abilities.

There are always new things to learn. Life is short. Why suffer? Focus on the changes you can make to change the future, not for yourself, but for the bigger community.

Do be selfish at this step. Let your potential shine before you. Visualize your highest self and start showing up as her. At this point, you should be stepping up and tiptoeing out of your comfort bubble.

The world is undoubtedly scary out there. But if you don’t give it a try, how would you let the world know your intention?

Honestly, visualizing your highest self is something that takes time. It is not something you can do in a short afternoon break. You will continue to change and evolve from the person you are today to someone new.

The miracle pill you are looking for is exercise. This simple activity can create a much bigger positive effect in your life than you could ever imagine.

Do not be afraid to break down walls that keep you from growing? Create an everlasting system that serves your every need. Because if you do not, who will?

As a personal trainer, I would love for you to start straightening up your fitness habits. That is why I created a 3-month 1:1 program to help you get there and visualize your highest self. Check it out down below ↓↓

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visualize your highest self part 2

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