How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise?

So, you want to lose weight fast without exercise? Then you’re in the wrong place ಠ_ಠ Reading more will infuriate you.

Are you asking yourself the real question? Or just an easy one to get out of whatever situation you are in?

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So you’re still here? Congratulations! Let’s start taking the real step to weight loss! Losing weight fast is a wrong mindset. It’s all about consistency and incorporating healthy habits every day.

Losing weight is easy. Just stop eating and drinking water. You’ll see the change ( •_•)>⌐■-■

Will you do it? Don’t. Should you do it? Definitely NO.

The question should be, how do I lose weight on my own terms?

This goal is much more doable. It gives time for you to make changes to your daily life and see the change over a longer amount of time.

Related post: See What the Diet Industry Won’t Tell You

Step 1: Re-evaluate your diet (no exercise)

What you eat is the most important aspect of losing weight. And if you are still not convinced, one of the primary ways to answer your question of how to lose weight fast without exercise.

“Abs are made in the kitchen” after all. Watch what you eat and you will thank yourself for it. Using the recommendations from, you can start thinking about how much of each food group to eat.

  • Fruits & Vegetables:
    • Very low in calories, may reduce risk of heart disease of certain types of cancer
    • How much should I eat? 1 – 2 cups
  • Grains:
    • May reduce risk of heart disease, support healthy digestion
    • Whole grains may help with weight management
    • How much should I eat? From 3 to 8 ounces
  • Protein:
    • Building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood
    • Provide additional vitamins and minerals
    • How much should I eat? Between 2 and 6½ ounces
  • Dairy:
    • Promote bone health and prevent the onset of osteoporosis in adults
    • How much should I eat? 3+ cups

Besides knowing about each food group, you can start tracking your food by using the MyPlate app on both iOS and Android devices.


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Step 2: Drink more water (still no exercise)

Here is the next step to how to lose weight fast without exercise, if you are still convinced that you can do it on your own terms.

It is most essential to be adequately hydrated. You should drink as much water as you can. Do not overdrink. It will bring unpleasant feelings as you go through the day.

There are different recommendations for each type of person, depending on their sex, age, and body type. The best way to determine how much water you need is to not let yourself feel thirsty. You can accomplish that by always having a cup/bottle of water by your side.

On the other hand, you should probably avoid the different types of beverages that are not water. Some examples can be coffee, beers, alcohol, or soft drinks. The majority of these beverages provide so little hydration while putting too many empty calories into your body.

Wondering why you can’t stick to an exercise routine? Because you don’t know who you are! Take this quiz to find out which type of exercise is best for you. (^人^)

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Step 3: Exercise more per week (the only exercise step)

Sure, this step is not exactly answering your question of how to lose weight fast without exercise. But hear me out. The exercise itself does not have to be hard or complicated.

The recommended time of exercise per week is 150 minutes, or 2 hours and 30 minutes. It might seem a lot, but that amount is equal to 30 minutes for 5 days.

Do you have to work out this much right away? No, because you will not likely be able to keep it up for long. Think about consistency and long-term. Which sort of exercise routine can you do for over 6 months? Is it working out for 5 days? Or just doing it 2 days for 75 minutes. They both satisfy the requirement, but the responsibilities and the workload are different.

how to lose 5 kg fast

Let us move on to which type of exercise you should do. For weight loss, any kind of exercise will work. However, cardio still has the most evidence to help lose weight faster than the other types.

You should also consider doing strength workouts, either with machines at the gym or with dumbbells and body weight at home, to strengthen your muscles and bones. Remember, consistency is vital. You will lose weight with the right diet and regular exercise. Do not let anybody else let you down.

Related post: How to Start Exercising

Step 4: Take care of sleep & mental health (no exercise)

Okay, here is another step to how to lose weight fast without exercise. Yes, I mean it.

Most fitness influencers tend to neglect this part of health overall. Yes, you can do everything right, but if you feel like crap, it will not be alright at the end of the day.

Sleep is one way you can control to achieve better health. According to the Sleep Organization, adults aged 18 to 64 generally need around 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night to function normally during the day. Shoot for that duration at the beginning.

Related post: How sleep affects weight loss? 4 things you need to know

Mental health is also essential. It is harder to see since it is more about what is going on in your head and how you react to the environment. Exercise does help with mitigating the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. But it is not the end all be all. To be honest, I do not have much training in advising for mental health, so I would refer you to somebody else more qualified.

What did you learn about how to lose weight fast without exercise?

That is all for today, folks!

These are the ways for you to learn about how to lose weight fast without exercise!!! (please don’t fall for it (●’◡’●))

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how to lose weight fast without exercise