Break it down & visualize your highest self for weight loss motivation (part 1)

Life's short. Why suffer? Break it down & Conquer.

The new year is coming, such a wonderful feeling, despite it happening every 365 days. You are sitting down, reflecting on an incredible year, and planning for more extraordinary things for the year ahead. You have decided to cut some weights, not just for appearance but also because you want to create a new chapter for your family. Maybe it is a future that does not involve diabetes or high blood pressure. In this blog post, we will focus on breaking it down. The next blog post will focus on visualizing your highest self.

Life’s short. Why suffer? To exercise regularly, you do not know how to get started. There are tons of advice out there. Do they actually work? Are those people trying to scam your money? Are the tips and tricks even helpful, not some crap that backfires? So many loose ends in the air.

Well, that is why I am here. I will outline the simple steps that I personally took to lose more than 25 pounds and share them with you to do the same. I named this method “break it down.”

“Break it down” is all about taking the easy way out. If the change is hard, there is no way you are going to keep up with it. Essentially, make the changes that bring happiness to your life. Break down the hard junks to make them tolerable.

Let us break it down to even easier terms so you can easily visualize:

Your big goal: get fit + toned for the summer

Let us break it down a bit: need to lose 5 pounds of fat

The plan is to take a walk for 30 minutes, three times a week to lose fat.

Now, you have not been walking for a while, and you are not used to putting walks into your schedule. Let us break it down a little further. How can I start taking short walks that do not require much preparation?

Related post: The SMART Pillar Approach to Building an Exercise Routine

One solution is to take 250 steps every hour around the house. It should only take 2 – 3 minutes. You will track your hour completion weekly to see progress.

Or maybe you want to start by keeping it spontaneous? Walk around when you are free? At any time? Now your situation requires a different solution.

Figure out which type of exerciser you are by having a fitness check-up. Your preference for getting started is crucial to building a sustainable system.

Does your job provide flexibility to control your time? Does your schedule change from day to day? Are you a student who has plenty of breaks in the day?

You will want to start walking around the house for 5 minutes 3 times a day, at any time you like. As you can see, this starting point is entirely different from the other one. But the result is still the same. You are working backward to make yourself used to walking 30 minutes each time.  

This is how you start building your own sustainable health system. Start slow and easy. Make changes fun.

Do try to find out which type of exerciser you are to begin. There is no shame in what you prefer. The endpoint is what is essential here. Comparison is the thief of joy.

I know this is corny, but I only wish you the best on your fitness journey.

Do you already have a system? Are you looking for a reset to jumpstart your system again? Or do you want quick answers to your problems? Check out Conscientious Cleanse below!

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