7 Life Resources that Phung Uses

Life Resources image with more resources in the background

Thank you very much for visiting this site and taking interest in Phung.

I definitely could not be able to build this alone without your support and resources.

If you are wondering, here are the life resources that I use to create everything for my personal life and this online business. If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to shoot me an email or DM me on Instagram (●ˇ∀ˇ●)

Quick note: Some of the links below included affiliate links. It will not cost you any extra to use the service, but I will also receive a small compensation when you choose to use them. I truly believe in the companies and products that I personally use and recommend them to you.

No more chitchatting, let’s jump into the life resources

Hobonichi Cousin - Phung's life resources


My daily reflection journal. This journal book is made with special paper so that they are thin and light.

I love their weekly template which helps me organize my visually. I can also write down my daily reflection on their daily section.

Hobonichi Weeks - Phung's life resources


How I keep up with all of my tasks. Also from Hobonichi. I actually wrote two blog articles about how I use it, you can read part 1 and part 2. This is one of the recommended life resources that I use for over 2 years. Amazing products!

Todoist - Phung's life resources


I use this for things I have to do frequently. Todoist allows me to set recurrent tasks at any frequency that I like. Loving their email reminders as well.

There’s no passive aggressive reminder tho (o′┏▽┓`o) if you know what I mean.

Flodesk - Phung's life resources

It’s your hippie email marketing platform. The best part? There is no limit to how many people you have on your list. For a flat rate, you can do whatever you want, from setting up automation to having beautiful email templates. There is also a Flodesk University for you to learn more about email marketing. It’s one of my most favorite life resources here.

Canva - Phung's life resources


Despite my hate for paying a subscription for service, this one is one the most worth-it life resources out there. Not only is the founder of the site is a woman, they also have both monthly and annual subscriptions, with the later having a small discount. I literally create all of my graphics here on the blog, on Instagram and Pinterest from Canva. A literal must-have!

TidyCal - Phung's life resources

Still with the theme of not paying a monthly subscription, I am using TidyCal as a way for you all to book appointments with me. One a small charge, I can have as many calendars as I would like, plus charging for appointments and receiving payments.

Gurucan - Phung's life resources

Would you like to have a course portal that can expand as you grow? That’s why I love Gurucan. I can create courses, have fun quizzes for you to take, upload videos, organize my resources, and the best part? Have an exercise library to assign to my clients. It also includes an app that your students can download!

Smart quiz builder - Phung's life resources

I hate to pay a monthly subscription for anything. That’s why I’m now using Smart Quiz Builder for all of my intake forms (plus a fun quiz coming up!). It’s so easy to create and embed my form anywhere, especially when you are using WordPress.

Let me know if you decided to use any of the recommended life resources above (≧∀≦)ゞ