5 Steps to Start and Enjoy Your Exercise Routine

Exercise is easy. It is all about what you have in your mind. If you think that exercising is hard, you will make it hard. If you think that exercising is easy, you will make it easy.

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing and expect a different result. If you continue your exercise routine and expect to be happier, you are insane.

I am not a professional athlete. I am kind of particularly fit. But I enjoy exercising. I enjoy it so much that I have created an exercise habit that helps me live a long and happy life. Here are the 5 steps to start and enjoy your exercise routine.

Have a Clear Mindset and Belief in Yourself

Like I said from the beginning, you need a clear mindset to enjoy your exercise routine. Your mind is what will fuel you through the hardship toward euphoria.

Enjoy your workout. Stay fueled with delicious, healthy foods. Get the growth mindset.

  1. Understand what you want.
  2. Is it realistic?
  3. Is it what you actually need?
  4. Does it serve a higher purpose to who you have been for years?

Once you have a clear purpose, it is easier to believe in yourself. Know that you are a capable person. You know what you need.

The steps to get there might be a little confusing right now. You can conquer it with a clear mindset to enjoy your exercise.

Related post: Set the Growth Mindset

Plan and Create the First Draft

I find that planning and creating the first draft is the hardest part of many tasks, including writing (this blog!), cooking, and even exercising.

While thinking about it feels like a waste of time, actually not doing so costs you progress. Consider how much you lose each day not exercising (more than 0) or not writing (more than 0).

To counter this when you exercise, I use small, consistent steps. I create a routine that works with BOTH my schedule and preferences.

I know that the routine I first create will be short and sweet. I know that the exercise is easy. I do not fret about what I should and should not do.

What matters is the first draft and me actually doing it.

If you do not know where to start, I have just the perfect assessment for you. Find out what type of exercise is best for you with the button right below.

Test and Give Your Feedback

From your first exercise draft, it is time to test it out. Do your new routine. See how you feel about it.

  1. Do you feel great?
  2. Do you feel energized?
  3. Is it possible to do it for the whole year?

If the routine is a positive experience, you are more likely to keep doing it. On the other hand, do not choose to do anything extreme if you hate it, and certainly not something that causes pain or injury.

To enjoy your exercise is, to be honest with yourself about your feelings. It is okay to be wrong.

Keep Track of Your Progress

How do you know if the exercise routine is right for you if you do not have any data to compare it against? That is why keeping track of your progress is so important to you to enjoy your exercise.

In the beginning, do not go overboard. There are two ways that I recommend you to start tracking:

Pen & Paper

Time to go analog! You do not need anything fancy. 

Get yourself a journal and a pen. Jot down the dates, type of exercise, and how long you did it. 

Do have some space for your feelings as well. Rank how you feel before and after each workout session. 

With a Fitness Tracker

If you want to splurge on a self-care product, then a fitness wearable tracker is one of the best choices.

Think about your Apple Watch, Garmin, and Fitbit. The options are endless. They all range from inexpensive to premium prices. 

What all trackers have in common is that it is super easy to track your exercise sessions. Simply choose the exercise you are doing, hit start, and exercise away!

The validity of the data can vary, but they are mostly accurate. The trackers will surely give you the big picture of how you feel about the exercises.

However, you choose to proceed, make sure that it is realistic. Tracking seems to be tedious right now, but the visualization from this action will help you stick to your new program greatly.

When you no longer feel like you have to exercise, but you need to exercise, then tracking will be less important.

Create a Back-up Plan & Future Proof

Once you have tested your new exercise routine and take a liking to it, it is time to think about the future. You always want to keep up with frequency, even when life seems hard.

There will be something getting in your way. You can get off the bandwagon. There should be no shame around it.

Instead of mulling over your loss, you should think more about how you can get back into exercising. A back-up plan is important.

It is a plan where you reduce how much you do. You can keep the streak going without having to invest too much time.

You can make the exercise even easier so you can focus more on the other parts of your life. That is how you future proof your exercise routine.

Go Out There and Enjoy Your Exercise Routine

You should be good to go! Here is a quick graphic of this blog article:

5 steps to start and enjoy your exercise routine:
1. have a clear mindset and belief in yourself
2. plan and create the first draft
3. test and give yourself feedback
4. keep track of your progress
5. create a backup plan and future proof

You need to enjoy your exercise routine to keep up with it. You know that exercise is great, but sticking to it can be a challenge.

This blog’s aim is to help you get a beginning idea of what to do. If you require more personalized help, sign up for my 1:1 program, Fun Fitness with Friends.

  • How to exercise properly
  • How to eat right while still indulging in sweet treats
  • How to NOT feel bad about self when being challenged by others on the Internet

When you start taking action on these things today, you’ll be so much closer to your goal of fitness freedom!