3 Quick Reasons Why You Need A Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is something we associate with schools and teachers. Much research surrounding the growth mindset is all about the development of a student’s mind and teaching pedagogy.

There is nothing wrong with how the regular associate with a growth mindset. But as a grown adult who might not be in school any longer, you still need this mindset to continue to succeed in your adult life.

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Why You Need a Growth Mindset

No more running around, let us jump right into the topic of why you need a growth mindset despite being out of school.

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What is a Growth Mindset?

According to the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, a growth mindset is defined as “a belief that construes intelligence as malleable and improvable. Students with a growth mindset are likely to learn by a mastery approach, embrace challenges, and put in the effort to learn.”

As we have established above, the growth mindset has been used in academia and teaching pedagogy to best serve a student’s needs. What does all this scientific jargon mean? Simply put, a growth mindset is when a person believes that their intelligence can be improved over time. So, do you?

#1 Why You Need a Growth Mindset: The world is constantly changing

I know that you are in a position in life where you feel like you have learned enough. As someone with a science background, I would object to this notion.

“Science is constantly changing. I don’t even know what’s true anymore.” It is a constant nagging we often hear online, especially with the anti-science movement we currently have. The problem is, you can prove science wrong. That is what makes science in the first place.

Scientists are always asking questions. If there is a new invention or finding, we try to replicate it to check on each other’s work. And when scientists find something different, we report them to the world. That is why you feel science seems to “change” from time to time. 

The answer is: it can be proven wrong. And when something is wrong, we have to fix it.

As an exercise physiologist, I get regular updates from scientific journals to help you better. There are different ways to exercise. There are even more factors related to you losing weight. 

The more knowledge I absorb, the better I am at serving people. You can also do the same, too!

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#2 Why You Need a Growth Mindset: There are different areas in life

You can never stop learning. Right, you went to school for your job and career. You are excelling at what you are doing and making good money. Life is good. Why keep learning?

But what about the other areas in life? Are you working on them? For example, a popular Internet complaint is a fact that we are taught to do taxes in school. Instead of complaining, what can you do?

That is right. Learn about taxes on your own. We live in the age of information. We have access to the Internet. That is why you are reading my blog in the first place. You are already learning something. You have that growth mindset.

You might be done growing professionally, but you still have other areas of life to improve. If you are cooking right, you want to improve your exercise. When you are already good with driving, you might want to start knowing how to maintain your car.

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#3 Why You Need a Growth Mindset: The mindset prevents you from dwelling on failures

The reason is arguably the most compelling argument for having a growth mindset. Life is not perfect as we all know.

What can we do when we encounter failures and setbacks? Do we mull over the mistakes and live in the past? Or do we learn from our mistakes and move forward?

We all want to keep moving forward, no question asked. But how do we set our mindset to do this hard work? This is where the growth mindset comes in. 

Because you believe that your intelligence can be enhanced with experience and time, setbacks are entirely expected. We can 100% recover from our failures.

Instead of mulling over our problems hopelessly, we can analyze them, understand their root causes, and fix the issues for the better. The growth mindset means you know how to act rationally in times of need.

There is no need to dwell in the past. We can learn to embrace the future. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧


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So, those are my 3 reasons for you to need a growth mindset. What do you think about them? Do you agree? Is there something that I miss?