3 Reasons Why Social Media Is Not Bad For Your Health

We are bombarded nowadays with all kinds of bad news about social media, from it being a misinformation source to decreasing teens’ mental health. But what if I tell you, social media is not that bad? You must approach it from a slightly different angle to see huge results. Would you believe me?
Well, this article is going to do just that. It wants to give you another point of view on your situation. Read on to see the benefits of social media and its positive side.
Surround yourself with good people
Growing up, social media has always been a part of your life. Whether it be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or even Snapchat, social media was always there to help you connect with people. Social media is not as bad as you might think it is for your health.
Social media can be a really good way to keep in touch with your family and friends. It is a great way to share funny moments and events going on in your life. It is nice to be able to see what other people are putting on their profiles to see what they are up to. As long as you are not experiencing comparitis, you are golden.
Social media can also be a really great way to communicate with people that you might not be able to talk to otherwise. Social media is also a good way to meet new people. You can watch videos of people from all around the world, learn about their lives, know their passions, and contact them directly. This power of communication is a new development that no other human in another time period had the privilege to use.
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You might think social media is just a waste of time, but you have to have the right mindset
Social Media Is NOT All Bad, Honestly. Instead of thinking about quitting cold turkey, what if you can set reasonable boundaries based on your priorities?
1) Social media can be an outlet for your emotions and frustrations
This is one of the most beneficial aspects of social media. It’s a safe and private place for people to share and express their feelings and thoughts. It can be a great way to get out your anger and frustration and help you feel better.
2) Social media provides opportunities for self-expression
People that use social media can think of themselves as social media stars and get a sense that they’re important. They can get feedback from their followers and get their voices heard. With social media, people get to share their thoughts and feelings and get a sense of belonging and validation.
3) Healthy communication skills through social media helps with our ability to maintain relationships.
Social media helps facilitate relationships between people. For a lot of gamers, their virtual friends are the same, or sometimes even better, than their real-life friends. There is no right or wrong answer here. It is much easier to connect with strangers when the stakes are low and you both have a similar interest.
One way you can get rid of the toxic of social media is the Habit Forming Checklist! Get it today.
The benefits of social media
Well, this article has gone through some reasons why social media is not all that bad. Here are a few benefits to using social media. Remember, you have to look at both sides of an argument.
1) Networking
It is a great way to network and meet people who have the same interests. With the invention of Facebook and Snapchat, you’re able to message and share your life with people and get to know them, and even hang out with them for a day.
2) Socializing
Social media also helps you feel less homesick or lonesome when you are living away from your friends and family. It is a great way to keep in touch with your loved ones. As an immigrant myself, social media has been great for me to get updates from my friends from the other side of the world.
3) News (be cautious with this one)
News is constantly updated on social media platforms because it’s a place where the majority of people go to get the latest news. For this piece, be aware of your sources and make sure that they are not sensational.
One word of warning
If you are spending all day on social media, you might be losing the opportunity to surround yourself with good people who are doing meaningful things, so you can learn from them.
Social media can connect you to friends, family, and businesses. Social media can also connect you to bad actors, people who are out there to manipulate you or get their hands into your pocket.
Social media is like money. How you choose to use it will determine which kind of results you will get. Sometimes, that line can be blurred so much that you lose sight of what truly matters. No worries, I have just the right thing for you.
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