Why you should stay active during the quarantine – 3 reasons why

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

Do you feel tired of doing nothing?

Is the quarantine going for too long?

The answer might be in front of you all along. Stay active during the quarantine!

For many of us, the quarantine has lasted for at least 4 months. So much happened in a short period. 2020 feels like it tries to pack all action movies into one. We are lying in our bed as the world burns down. To stay active during the quarantine has been replaced by something else. As we are already in the second half of the arc, there are ways for us to continue moving forward, despite the hardships. Under such conditions, there are even more reasons for us to stay active. There will be a blue sky after the storm. We have so much in us to waste ourselves on this short moment.

Here are 3 reasons for you to stay active during the quarantine. Hopefully, with a little bit of exercise, your days can become more productive, more interesting, and especially meaningful.

To keep a schedule

Living and working at home can wreak a hole in our daily schedule. There are no limits to how much time we should devote to work. There is no 9-to-5 work or appointments. The days blend into each other. By deliberately making time for exercise, we can put ourselves in control of how time is spent.

Imagine the scenario. At 5:00 PM, no matter what the task is, we would stop and work out. Consistent scheduling helps the brain to recognize patterns and differentiate its priorities. From the deliberate act, we can also organize our time for other tasks. The exercise itself does not need to strenuous or prolonged. It can last just 45 or even 10 minutes.


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To serve as a distraction

Exercise is a different activity than typing on a computer or binge-watching Netflix. Since most of us are stuck at home, there is no physical barrier between our typical life facets. Exercise serves as a distraction from what our brain is stuck to for the day. Doing one activity is boring. Adding another different type breaks the boredom and makes space for something new. Exercise forces us to use our muscles, our body to accomplish a separate goal, one that is not related to our current tasks. Instead of wasting the day scrolling on Instagram, we can achieve a small goal that would put us to sleep soundly.

Related post: How to start exercising

To improve physical health

“Sitting is the new smoking.”

You might or might not have heard many health professionals saying this phrase. But have you noticed a new back pain over the past few months? Do you feel less energetic than before? It might be because you are sitting at the desk, doing a single task for too long. There is some science to back up this phrase.

Inactivity can lead to several health issues much later in life, such as cardiovascular diseases. Bouts of exercise cut our inactivity periods shorter, thus negating some of our risks. For thousands of years, we humans have been treading across the world for food and survival. Suddenly lying around for too long does not do anything good to our body. By doing small exercises, the body is stimulated and improves.

How can I stay active during the quarantine?

There is no limit to what you can do in your own home. You might not have the fancy equipment many gyms offer but you still have your own bodyweight and other equipment. Be creative in what you do, like using a water bottle as your dumbbells, or lifting your dog for added difficulties. You can stroll the neighborhood or exercise with the stairs. Be active is easy. As long as you are moving around, your body is happy.

Are you ready to start exercising? Don’t worry about getting that “perfect routine”. Let’s chat 1:1 so I can personally help you!