4 easy at-home quarantine workout principles

at home quarantine workout principles

The beginning

For most people, there are two ways they are coming out of this pandemic: an expert foodie or a chronic alcoholic. While it is easy to fall into these categories, there is always the third door. It is getting the healthy habits back into your life, using the following at home quarantine workout principles!

Even though several states are easing restrictions, including my state Georgia, it is hard to go out and feel normal again. I cannot imagine myself breaking a good sweat in the gym as I did before the whole lockdown. Switching to an at-home exercise routine was not easy. It took me 3 months to find the perfect rhythm. Now, I am here to share my  at home quarantine workout principles with you.

Know what I like & don’t like

“Be Active is Easy” is my workout motto. It defines my workout principles and how I design my exercise routine. There is no way on Earth that I would force myself to any grueling routine. I am not motivated that way. You will not see me recommend or do the “fitness challenges,” such as Couch to 5K, The Push-up Challenge, or any kind of 30-day challenges.

At the beginning of March, I took some time to evaluate my favorite workouts in the gym. From that list, I crossed out the ones that are no longer available due to the circumstances. I also went to social media for more inspirations, sources such as Instagram, Reddit, or YouTube.

Look out for misinformation

at home quarantine workout principles: "advice" to avoid

There are tons of misinformation on the Internet, it is best for you always double-check your resources and ask questions before putting the workout into your list. There are great fitness professionals, like me, on the Internet. For Instagram, I recommend you checking out @billcampbellphd and @bretcontreras1. And on YouTube, you should visit Tom Merrick channel.

The following is a list of “advice” you should steer away from. In general, please trust in yourself and science.

Set personal goals

After the previous step, I began to make a curated list of workouts that I would like to implement my at home quarantine workout principles. My priorities are to maintain my current health (i.e. lose 5 more pounds and lower resting heart rate), and do a handstand.

It is of utmost importance to know what you want to achieve. I am pretty happy with how my body looks, and I am aspiring to do tricks to impress people. For you, it might be to lose weight. In that case, you want to focus more on the consistency level of your workout routine. Your routine can be 1 hour of dog walking per day or 30 minutes on an elliptical. If doing the traditional cardio workouts is not your thing, you can try doing strength or HIIT workouts at longer durations.

at home quarantine workout principles goals

Test the planned routine

Once I got to this point, I had a general idea of what my exercises should be and how to do them. Like any experiment, testing comes after the hypothesis. This step took me the longest time to figure out. Some of the exercises on my original list just did not work. They were either too hard or not challenging enough or require equipment that I cannot get at this time.

It is completely normal when you find out you guess yourself wrong. It happens all the time. Remember when you made a playlist and found out the list had none of the good songs? The same thing can happen when it comes to choosing your favorite exercises. You thought walking is a great idea, but actually doing muscular endurance exercises are more intriguing. Be open to try out new things and establish your own way of working out.

At home quarantine workout principles

Here is my current workout schedule. We’ll see how it goes in the next few weeks.

phung's weekly exercises following the at home quarantine workout principles
Phung’s Weekly Exercise Plan

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