Review on Jillian Michaels HealthyWage Challenge

Ever wonder how you can stay committed to your new exercise goal? There are so many options and ways to do it out there!

Today, we will be looking at placing a wager on your weight loss. In a nutshell, you will earn more money the more pounds you lose. Jillian Michaels is promoting her HealthyWage Challenge.

Let us see what it is and how it works!

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A Review on Jillian Michaels HealthyWage Challenge

How Does Jillian Michaels HealthyWage Challenge Work?

Let us be upfront. This is not Jillian Michaels’ exclusive program. She is partnering with a site called, HealthyWage to promote it to you. 

According to their website, you make an account and start earning money by losing weight. Obviously, you cannot participate if you are a fitness professional, such as a personal trainer or coach. 

Out of respect for the rules, I did not sign up for the Challenge. That said, this review is based on the outside perspective I observe from their advertisement, press features, and basic psychology that an average person would experience.

Some companies specialize in helping obese people reduce their appetites. These firms claim to pay their overweight clients $100, $200, or even $1000 if they succeed during their weight loss efforts by decreasing their hunger. 

To make you accountable, HealthyWage makes you verify your body weight before AND after the wager time. Also, you have to wage at LEAST 10% of your body weight to be eligible. As long as you complete each step according to the rules, you are in for some good money!

To sum it all up, the more weight you choose to wager, the more money you will earn at the end of the challenge. 

HealthyWage has been on different TV stations, touting the positive effects the Jillian Michaels HealthyWage Challenge has on the successful people.

What if you cannot lose any weight? This Challenge is not a casino so you will not lose any money. At the same time, by participating in the Jillian Michaels HealthyWage Challenge, you gave the company so much personal and health information.

Does it worth it, to give away free information without getting anything back? This sort of setup is even worse than you being social media. At least there, you can connect to other people while giving up your privacy.

An Instagram post promoting the Jillian Michaels HealthyWage Challenge

How the Challenge Can Help You:

The Jillian Michaels HealthyWage Challenge relies on your external motivator, which can be great in the short term but pretty icky when it comes to how you will do a year from now. This is a challenge where you are on an online platform; a lot is similar to this, that is pretty good, and the people that win the Challenge get to have a better point of view in life. 

It is an experiment that works on people differently. You might like to get motivation from external factors such as praises from other people or fun rewards you receive. 

Relying only on one external motivator can be a problem. What if people choose to gush over the newest trend? What if they ignore your progress? Will it dampen the progress you are legitimately making for yourself?

The other difference is that it does not have a definite answer to all of your problems. The number of the scale is not always honest. 

When you suddenly lose too much weight, more health problems arise than you originally have. You might have anxiety or depression that leads you to consume less food. You might have GI problems. Even worse, you might develop osteoporosis or cancer.

What is your exact reason for wanting to exercise? What will you do when you lose enough weight and win that money? How will you go from here?

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Question about this Jillian Michaels HeatlthyWage Challenge Reliability

HealthyWage has been on multiple press features on television, but I take them with a grain of salt. That does not even cover the people who say it is a hoax, and they do not care. That said, the Challenge was an excellent idea that has been very successful.

You can get the HealthyWage Challenge free now by registering and providing a bit of personal information. 

I’ve personally spent many long hours helping people learn to make simple changes and take up more control here and here. 

The biggest downside of the Jillian Michaels HealthyWage Challenge is that none of the effects they talk about is published in any peer-reviewed journal. It means that there is yet research to back up what they claim is correct.

All you have to go on is the conventional wisdom of good health, which is not exactly the best source of information.

Challenging yourself to receive money is a neat way to get started. Just do not get caught up too much. Weight is not the only indication of good health.

Related post: The One Reason Why You Can’t Stick to An Exercise Routine

Final Conclusion About Jillian Michaels HealthyWage Challenge

All and all, the Jillian Michaels HealthyWage Challenge might or might not work for you. There is no 100% guarantee.

Is losing weight something you TRULY need to do? Or is it just common advice you get and choose to follow along without putting too much thought?? Because that is the ONLY thing this Challenge promises.

Otherwise, the hardest thing to get and keep your body healthy is to get started. 

You might find that you enjoy this Challenge and continue to make your healthy habits. You might not like how rigid this Jillian Michaels HealthyWage challenge is and how it relies on just one aspect of being healthy.

All of this depends on you. You are the only one who can create a challenge that suits you. It is worth a shot to check it out and see how things go!

Wonder what to do if the Jillian Michaels HealthyWage Challenge does not work for you? Here is a small workbook that can help you create your very own program.

What you should do instead is to try and experiment for at least 2 months. Document what you have done and the results you have been getting.

From that point, you can evaluate and see the next step you should pursue.

If working by yourself still leaves you stuck in the same place you started, it might be time you look for help from a fitness professional.

Exercise does not need to be hard, but it is not simple either. We are here to improve ourselves, our lives, and the people around us. To learn more about this training opportunity, click the button below.