Which Diet is Best for Weight Loss – 5 Easy Ways to Revise Your Diet

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If you are somebody who has been using the Internet, you might be bombarded with tons of information surrounding dieting and all the tips and tricks regarding this topic. Which diet is best for weight loss?

One guru says, “Avoid all carbs for the keto diet.” Another piece of advice for eliminating all fat is to get that curvy body. In all honesty, I am tired of it. Eating healthy is inherently comfortable and straightforward. The generic and boring advice you have been hearing is scientifically proven and works correctly.

The most crucial part of thinking about which diet is best for weight loss, or in another word, a proper diet is a balanced nutrient-dense diet. Our bodies need all the nutrients they can get from food. The macronutrients, providing us with calories, are carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Besides macronutrients, we also use vitamins and minerals to maintain and repair the body. For more information regarding portions and sizes, visit ChooseMyPlate.gov. The website has fantastic resources for learning and even a food tracker app for you to use.

choosemyplate logo to find out which diet is best for weight loss

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Instead of restricting yourself to carbs or chugging down apple cider vinegar, here are the 5 easy ways to revise your diet and answer the “which diet is best for weight loss” question today.

You read it right, I will not give you any restricted diet plan that you need to follow to a T. Use this article to make that decision yourself.

Drink More Water

Water contains 0 calories. It is essential to our lives. Drinking more water instead of soft drinks is an easy way to lower your sugar intake. Besides, having a cup of water right before a meal might even help suppress hunger and eat less. Remember to have a bottle of water everywhere you go, from your desk to the walking trail.

Basically, in this part of figuring out which diet is best for weight loss, it is not just about the food you eat. It is about everything you decide to ingest and put into your body.

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Track Everything

You need to be aware of precisely what you are eating. By writing down everything you eat, you can visually see which food group you overeat.

If you are looking to lose weight, remember this term, “CALORIC DEFICIT.” The energy you consume must be LESS than the energy you use. We use a certain amount of calories every day to keep ourselves alive. By getting less energy, you force the body to use up the stored energy, therefore losing bodyweight.

fried fish 4 easy ways to revise your diet

The problem is that starving yourself is impossible to keep up for a long while. Some might be more disciplined than others, but you cannot keep your body in CALORIC DEFICIT forever. With just your focus on calories, you will experience the so-called “yo-yo diet,” which will make you gain and lose weight in a depressing never-ending loop.

Related post: How To Stick To A Low-Calorie Diet

Be Aware of Your Carbs

Did you know that sugar can be as addictive as cocaine? It is an essential nutrient we need. Our brain exclusively uses carbs for energy. Why the hate? 

The problem here when it comes to which diet is best for weight loss is that we, as a society, overeat carbs and sugar. Check the food you eat. Almost every package has added sugar in it. The worst offenders are so-called “low fat” food. To make up for the loss of flavor, the manufacturers add more sugar, which in turn is bad for your health.

I am not telling you to cut all your carbs to answer the question of which diet is best for weight loss. I am saying you must make sure that you eat just enough for your needs, no more no less. It might take a while to figure it out, but you can do it by following the next 2 steps.

Slow It Down

Eat slower. Some of us might be accustomed to eating very quickly due to our fast-paced life. This action does not help our health at all. It certainly does NOT help you find which diet is best for weight loss.

You see, it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to send the “I’m full” signal to the brain. If you eat too fast, you will not allow time for the stomach to work its magic on the brain. By eating slower, you let the body accurately decide when it is time to stop.

Related post: How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off Together

Eat with a Purpose

Last but not least, always be conscious of why you are putting on your plate. If this is the only takeaway, you should think about this every single time you ask yourself, “Which diet is best for weight loss?”

We usually eat the same stuff we have been eating since childhood. It is still not the best approach to our health. If you are lucky, you have great parents who understand a balanced diet and follow what scientists say. If not, open your mind to more possibilities and try out new stuff.

Always ask yourself these questions, “Is it good for me?” or “Is it for the right occasion?” or “Why am I eating this and not that?” or “How will this help me?”

Eating healthy means you have to abstain from lots of guilty food, but not eliminate them entirely. Avoid going to extremes. Enjoy your life! After all, we only have one to achieve our full potential. No need to get more negativity to weigh down the brief time we have on Earth.

Which Diet is Best for Weight Loss? Think about the problem in a different way by using this Habit Forming Checklist to build your own plan!

Which Diet is Best for Weight Loss Summary

Having a proper diet is inherently simple. Answering your question, “Do not overcomplicate things and enjoy life! Feel free to reach out to me for more questions.

You do not need any set or restrictive diet to thrive. You have what it takes to be successful in weight loss. What you need to do is to look at this problem from another angle.

It is not just about calories, it is about your eating purposes, your goals, and your enjoyment. There is more to life than just limiting yourself to a small possibility.

There is no one way of doing the right things. You can be more liberating. If you feel oppressed by what you are doing and want to do better, we can do it in our VIP Session: Tailor Fit.