Blog Series on Self-Care for the Upcoming Holidays 2021 (part 2 of 3)

Let us continue from where we left off in my previous post. If you have not read it yet, I highly recommend you going back to Part 1. We talked about how to know what to splurge and how to slow down your speed.

This time in our series to explore self-care for the upcoming holidays, we will change our focus from the dining table to things you can do BEFORE arriving at the party. You can use the tips this week anytime, not just for the holidays.

Self-Care for the Upcoming Holidays Tip #3: Staying hydrated

We all need water to live. Our body is made up of 70% water. Missing it, you can forget about enjoying life, let alone the holidays. It is recommended that we should all get around 5 cups of water a day. The amount can be different based on each individual’s needs. A huge man will need to drink more water than a smaller woman (just like me!) The easiest way to stay hydrated is NOT to let yourselves feel thirsty. Always have water on hand and take a gulp whenever you feel like it. I keep a bottle of water with myself at all times.

Now, back to our holiday season. Keep in mind. You WILL be getting drinks that might not be in the best interest of your health. But they are great for the occasion, and that is all right. It would be best if you were more intentional about drinking plain water during this time. Sugary drinks and alcohol do not give your body the much-needed hydration. Plus, they come with much baggage. To combat the problem, simply drink more water than usual, so there is no need to worry about holiday drinks’ significant destructive issues.

To stay adequately hydrated for the parties, do try to drink plain and cold water. If you can, split the sugary drinks and alcohol into smaller cups and share it with the parties. In the case of social-distancing parties, you might want to limit your drinks down. Such as consuming much smaller portions while staying safe and protecting the people you love.

Self-Care for the Upcoming Holidays Tip #4: Never let yourself feel hungry

self-care for the upcoming holidays

I am piggybacking from the previous point. This tip sounds almost ridiculous. The logic still stands, you do not want to keep your body full and satisfied, not feeling inadequate in any way. Why do I not let myself go hungry? OR why should I not save myself for later at the big party? Believe it or not. You do it more often than you would think.

How many times have you worked out while feeling hungry?

How many times have you skipped meals for later?

How many times have you starved yourself before parties?

Going to the table hungry is not the best idea. It is hard to eat slow (Part 1) when you feel like you are dying, right?

Here is what you should do for this holiday. First off, there is no need to starve yourself on the morning of the big dinner. It would be best if you ate as generally as possible. Yes, the holiday spirit turns up the mood. It does not mean you should turn your routine upside down. Eat your meals as you would otherwise. Keep your belly feeling as normal as any other day.

In summary, all the tips I have for you here is to keep your body as balanced as possible. The holidays bring changes and sometimes chaos in our lives. We all need to keep doing our best to keep ourselves happy and enjoy the moments.

Are excited to get started with a new routine system? Did you know you can get a comprehensive mini course so set your mind straight right from the beginning? I actually made a mini course named “Evolve from Negativity” that can certainly help you.