How to Look Good and Feel Better than Instagram

It is another podcast collaboration! Tabbies, I had the honor to be on the Insomnicat Show to talk about how we can look good and feel better than Instagram. It is all about how we view our body in the age of social media, especially on Instagram.

I had a lot of fun with Bryan and Nicolette about how we view exercising and how it relates to how our body looks in the mirror, and how social media portrays the human body. If you are struggling with this problem, I encourage you to read more and check out the podcast episode.

You can listen to our chat here.

how to look good and feel better than Instagram poster with girl smiling in the background
How to Look Good and Feel Better than Instagram

Cosmetic aspect versus functional aspect 

Brian mentions that many people tend to focus on the cosmetic aspect, i.e., how they look when they work out. But if you look at athletes, they do not look so ripped, but they are still on top of their game physique.

Right, you do not have to look a certain way when you work out. Banking on your look is not entirely healthy since it is so easy to change. That said, for strength training, you can either train for bigger muscles or just focus on functional training.

Depending on your goals to look good and feel better than Instagram, you can decide which path to go down. Check out the topic at minute 7:40.

Related post: Create Physical Fitness Unique to Your Background

The K family saga

Nicolette then asked me, “How many influencers are real? Are they just all photoshopped?”

The answer is super hard to estimate. Technology has come so far that changing how you look, either on a picture or video, is super easy.

There was this minor incident involving the infamous K family.

A paparazzi took some candid photos of the people. And lo and behold, they all look like us. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A little “chubby” here and there. The family tried to sue the photographer for the “damaging” photos. The incident was on the news for a while.

It is just to show that not everyone looks good 24/7. Sometimes, the pictures they post are not even real, so we should keep that in mind when scrolling our feed. That is our next step to look good and feel better than Instagram. Skip to minute 13:30 for our discussion.

Related post: Hot Girl Summer Spirit for You

How you can enjoy your family meals

No, we are not talking about a small family meal at least once every week.

We are talking about huge family gatherings, where everyone gets together to enjoy a feast. There are so many delicious dishes that might not be the best for our health but resistance seems futile. 

We are talking about huge family gatherings, where everyone gets together to enjoy a feast. There are so many delicious dishes that might not be the best for our health, but resistance seems futile. 

There is no shame in enjoying yourself once in a while. Skip to minute 23:10 for this!

A Huge Feast for All

In conclusion, we can do a lot to look good and feel better than Instagram

Being healthy is super simple. I personally use and teach my LIFE Standard to keep myself in check while enjoying my life to the fullest.

There is no need to hold me back from trying new things. But I do not let myself go either.

That is the biggest challenge we face in getting the healthy body that we want.

Ready to embark on your journey to look good and feel better than Instagram? Not just Instagram but any social media? Look no further than my little checklist here to create your own sustainable healthy habits. They will last you forever ↓↓

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Listen to the full podcast: