How to Exercise During Vacation or When You’re Out of Town

Well, any trip will be the “stone that is thrown into your life,” especially when it comes to exercise.

You will not be in a familiar location. Your routine is disorganized. You deal with the unknowns when you are on a trip.

Regardless of the purpose of the trip, your day is different now and exercise should follow suit.

Why Doing This in the First Place?

I am telling you this not because I’m an exercise physiologist, but because exercise or fitness is how you live your life.

Exercise is a part of your healthy lifestyle. There is no need to separate it from your sleep routine or your diet.

When on a trip, of course, everything is different.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you have to exercise the same way you do at home while being out.

On the other hand, you don’t want to feel guilty about “missing the workout” while out. It is counterproductive to your cause.

For most leisure trips, you can exercise by walking around. Sightseeing is a way to exercise.

You can easily walk double or even triple the distance you usually do in your daily life. The difference you have now becomes your exercise.

See? There is no stress about exercising while enjoying your vacation. You deserve it!

What if you don’t plan on walking around? Maybe you’re on a business trip?

There are different ways to mitigate this problem?

How About A Simple Exercise During Vacation Routine?

Just like how town walking is a great way to exercise, you can also train in a more structured manner.

I have two options for you. Each option contains 2 exercises because they are the most important ones in my opinion.

You can always add more to your routine but do not forget to always have these two.

The only difference between these two options is whether or not they require you to have free weights such as dumbbells.

Bodyweight routine

  1. Goblet squat:
    1. Stand shoulder width apart, toes point in a comfortable angle
    2. Go as deep as you can OR touch your bottoms to a chair
    3. Do 3 sets of 10
  2. Push up:
    1. Find a good location: either on the floor or against your hotel bed
    2. Have your hands shoulder width apart
    3. Pull your shoulder down
    4. Straighten your legs and stack your heels over your toes
    5. Lower your body by squeezing your shoulder blades then get up
    6. Do 3 sets of 10

When it comes to free weights, I recommend you stick to dumbbells and kettlebells.

They are in every hotel gym so it can be easy to get your exercise during vacation routine going.

Free weight routine

  1. Goblet squat:
    1. Stand shoulder width apart, toes point in a comfortable angle
    2. Hold your weight right against your chest
    3. Take a big breath and go as deep as you can
    4. Do 3 sets of 10
  2. Arnold press:
    1. Hold two dumbbells close to your face with your palms facing you
    2. Turn your shoulder out and pull the dumbbells next to your ears
    3. Press both dumbbells up and over your head
    4. Reverse to lower them
    5. Do 3 sets of 10

That’s all I have for you! What do you think about these simple routines?

Once again, this is the bare bone, designed to be minimal and simple so you can do it anywhere in the world.

What do you think?